Paged continuously Carter Glass, chairman of subcommittee pt. 1. Statements of A.B. Hepburn, Victor Morawetz, P.M. Warburg, Jan. 7, 1913.--pt. 2. Statements of L.M. Shaw and J.L. Laughlin, Jan. 8, 1913.--pt. 3. Statements of D.G. Endy, J.H. Tregoe, C.D. Joyce, and W.W. Orr, Jan. 9, 1913.--pt. 4. Statements of F.J. Wade and J.E. Ferguson, Jan. 14, 1913.--pt. 5. Statements of S.M. Wilhite, E.D. Fisher, and Ludwig Bendix, Jan. 15, 1913.--pt. 6. Statements of W.A. Nash and G.M. Reynolds, Jan. 16, 19
...13.--pt. 7. Statement of C.N. Fowler, Jan. 21, 1913.--pt. 8. Statements of A.J. Frame and J.V. Farwell, Jan. 22, 1913.--pt. 9. Statements of W.T. Creasy, T.J. Brooks, and W.H. Berry, Jan. 28, 1913.--pt. 10. Statement of W.W. Flannagan, Jan. 29, 1913.--pt. 11. Statement of Sol Wexler, Feb. 5, 1913.--pt. 12. Hearings, Feb. 17, 1913.--pt. 13. Statements of J.M. Levy, George Blumenthal and A.O. Crozier, Feb. 28, 1913
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